10 Azure DevOps Tips & Tricks that you should know

10 Azure DevOps Tips & Tricks that you should know

Azure DevOps has everything you need to build your software product from envisioning to put in into end-users’ hands. This post listed 10 useful Azure DevOps Tips & Tricks.

  1. Exclude Work Item Types in Azure DevOps Projects
  2. Revert Azure DevOps Pipeline Changes
  3. How to define custom rules for Work Items in Azure DevOps
  4. Grouping Shared Variables in Azure DevOps Pipeline
  5. Azure DevOps Services Status Check
  6. How to change the Azure DevOps Projects Process?
  7. Create a Dashboard without a Team in Azure DevOps
  8. Turning Azure DevOps Service On or Off
  9. Connecting AWS with Azure DevOps
  10. Setting up DevOps for Containerized Web Application using Azure DevOps Project

Also, check out this video to learn how to create an Azure DevOps Project, Understanding of Azure DevOps Process and How to customize the Process template to accommodate your business need. ​

Abhijit Jana

Abhijit runs the Daily .NET Tips. He started this site with a vision to have a single knowledge base of .NET tips and tricks and share post that can quickly help any developers . He is a Former Microsoft ASP.NET MVP, CodeProject MVP, Mentor, Speaker, Author, Technology Evangelist and presently working as a .NET Consultant. He blogs at http://abhijitjana.net , you can follow him @AbhijitJana . He is the author of book Kinect for Windows SDK Programming Guide.