Visual Studio tooling for Application Insight Search enables Copy to Clipboard feature for your telemetry data. You can easily copy the detailed telemetry data into the clipboard from Application Insight Search Tools. Further, you can share those insights with developers, or use for quick review. Searching Application Insights Data inside Visual Studio was available from Visual Studio 2015 Open an instance of Visual Studio, from the main menu, navigation to View –> Other Windows –> Search Applications Insights. This will bring the “Application Insights Search” window dialog.
Copy Application Insights Telemetry data to Clipboard
The search windows displays all the recently logged telemetry details including Exception, Custom Event, Availability, Page View etc. Top copy any details of the telemetry into to clipboard, you should select the particular telemetry entry, and then select “Copy Details to the Clipboard” option as shown in the below image.
Once you have the information copied in the clipboard, you can share the details. Clipboard data looks like following
Earlier I have published several posts related with Application Insights, and Application Insight Search. You may refer to them.
- “Related Items” in Application Insight Search Window inside Visual Studio
- “Explore Related Telemetry Trends” in Application Insight Search Window inside Visual Studio
- Different ways to launch the Application Insights Search Window in Visual Studio
- Viewing Exceptions Stack trace in Visual Studio Integrated Application Insights Search
- Integrated Application Insights Search within Visual Studio 2015
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