Solution Filter in Visual Studio allows a faster load of the solution with selective projects. When we are working on a large solution with several projects, we may not work with all the projects together. Sometimes, specific developers only focus on a set of projects. Solution Filter in Visual Studio allows us to select only the required projects and help in faster load and build.
Solution Filter in Visual Studio
“Save as Solution Filter” in Visual Studio allows you to save selective projects as filtered and load it later locally.
Consider you have a solution with several

When the projects are unloaded, you can see the number of working projects changed. In this case; Working Projects are now 5 out of 8. You can show and hide the unloaded project by selecting the “Show Unloaded Project.”

When the projects are selected, and you are good to go, save them as “Save as Solution Filter” with a name. That will keep the solution chosen as .slnf ( Solution Filtered) file.

If you open and check what inside the “.Slnf” file; it just holde the reference of the actual solution with the selected project.
"solution": {
"path": "ConsoleApp5.sln",
"projects": [
To Summerize, Solution Filter in Visual Studio allows us to select only the required projects and help in faster load and build. Please select the projects which are not necessary and unload them. Then save the solution as “Filtered Solution.” Open the “.Snlf” file to work with the selected project. Filtered solutions referred and keep in your local file system and won’t impact other developers and actual solution files.