You can revert Azure DevOps Pipeline in case of any unexpected changes or wanted to return to any of the previous versions. Azure DevOps keep track of every change in Build Pipeline or Release Pipeline. When we are in the Edit mode of the Pipeline, from the History Tabs, we can see the list of changes on Pipelines along with when the changes were made and by whom.
Revert Azure DevOps Pipeline Changes
Open the Pipeline in Edit Mode, that displays all the stages along with Tasks, Variables, Retention, Options, and History. Select the History tab tracks all the changes in the Pipeline.

Azure DevOps Tips and Tricks
The History Tabs show the type of changes, along with Changed Date and Changed By.

Once you select the Particular Changes from the list, click …, It will show up two options, Compare Difference and Revert Pipeline.
You can select two of the changes and compare them.

Once you decided to which version to move back, select the changes, and click in “Revert Pipeline“

To summarize, Compare and Revert the Azure DevOps Pipeline are very useful and hidden features of Azure DevOps. Overall, for any unexpected changes can be taken care of easily by reverting the pipeline changes.