IIS Express is a lightweight and tiny version of IIS for developers to run and test the web sites directly from Visual Studio. I hope by this time you must be using it as your default development web sever as well. Just to quick recall; IIS Express was introduced with VS 2010 SP 1, where we used to had both Visual Studio Development Server ( WebDev.WebServer) and IIS Express. However with the Visual Studio 2013, IIS Express has been set as a default web sever . There are several features of IIS express which you can find very useful and be used in a similar way that we does with IIS . One of the great feature of IIS express is to run your application in both default and SSL mode. You can achieve this very easily .
To enable the SSL with in IIS Express, you have to just set “SSL Enabled = true” in the project properties window.
By default SSL enabled is set to false with IIS Express; so if you run your web application first time, you will only able to find the default url and you can access the site over http
Once the SSL is enabled ( SSL Enabled = true) ; you can find both the URL available in application browser window
With this; you can access any of the URL from your browser and run the application.
Hope this helps.
Please let me know if you have any question or comments.
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