Author: Jebarson

Jebarson is a consultant at Microsoft. In his overall experience of 7+ years, his expertise ranges from VB6, COM / DCOM, .net,, WPF, WCF, SL, SQL. He has a greater love for OOA / OOD and SOA. His current focus is on Azure, Windows Phone 7, Crm and much more. He is also a frequent speaker of different community events. He blogs at . You can follow him at @Jebarson007 . Jebarson having good set of tutorials written on Windows Azure, you can found them . He is a contributor of this site and shared many tips and tricks.

Sort Generic List Using Lambda Expression For Dynamic Type And Dynamic Property

Once stuck on a requirement where I needed to write a code which is flexible and generic enough to sort…

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How To Scroll To Validation Summary ? by default calls the function window.scrollTo(0,0) after the validation failure from validators but not always we have the validation summary control placed at the top. There are instances where we need to place validation summary at some other location but by doing this, instead the user being scrolled to see the validation error, he will always see the top of the page.

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