How To customize PerfTips Colors in Visual Studio 2015 ?

How To customize PerfTips Colors in Visual Studio 2015 ?

In the previous post we have learned PerfTips – Easiest way to get Performance Information during Debugging in Visual Studio 2015 . You have seen how PerfTips helps to view the performance information during debugging and how to take those information deep dive using Diagnostic tool window. The PerfTips in the Visual Studio editor displayed with a light gray color, and it turns in to a light blue color when we mouse hover. While these are the defaults color settings provided with Visual Studio, you can customize them if you want.


 How to Change it ?

  • Navigate to Tools –> Options
  • Navigate to Fonts and Color under Environment.
  • Select “PerfTips” in the “Show settings for” dropdown.
  • Change the color for “Text” and “Highlighted Text” as you want 🙂

By Default PerfTips Settings :


Changed Colors for PerfTips


Once you changed the color, and click on ok, you will have following message .


However, I didn’t see it required a restart of the application, just restart debugging session worked. 🙂

Hope this helps.

Abhijit Jana

Abhijit runs the Daily .NET Tips. He started this site with a vision to have a single knowledge base of .NET tips and tricks and share post that can quickly help any developers . He is a Former Microsoft ASP.NET MVP, CodeProject MVP, Mentor, Speaker, Author, Technology Evangelist and presently working as a .NET Consultant. He blogs at , you can follow him @AbhijitJana . He is the author of book Kinect for Windows SDK Programming Guide.