Deploying Your Universal Windows Apps to HockeyApp using VSTS Build vNext

Deploying Your Universal Windows Apps to HockeyApp using VSTS Build vNext

In one of our previous post we have talked about Uploading Windows Universal Apps Build to HockeyApp directly from Visual Studio.  While it’s allows our app to uploaded into HockeyApp directly, in a development life cycle we perform the deployment through a continuous deployment process.  In this post we will quickly walkthrough steps to integrate HockeyApp with Visual Studio Team Services Build vNext and perform a continuous deployment to the HockeyApp.

To start with, Open the VSTS Team Project and go to the Build tab. Select the “Create New Build Definition” icon to select the type of definition of build.

Create New Build Definition

This will show up a list of all build definitions. Select “Universal Windows Platform” from the list of definitions.

List of Build Definition

Click on Next and complete the Wizard by following all the steps .

This will create the initial definition of the build for your Universal Apps which includes all the following components.

Build Steps for New Build Definition

At this point of time, you can define the Nuget Restore packages, solution location and can also add new build steps start with solution to build.

Now, lets focus on configuring HockeyApp for the build definition.

Click on  “Add Build Step” icon  and from the “Add tasks” dialog, navigate to the deploy option. Select HockeyApp from the list of task .

Add HockeyApp Build Steps

Click on Add button to add the HockeyApp deployment steps after publishing the build artifacts.

HockeyApp Build Steps

Related Post : Visual Studio Team Services Bug Tracker with HockeyApp for Universal Windows Apps

At this point of time we are left out with HockeyApp Connection, which will link your VSTS with HockeyApp.

Navigate back to the VSTS  Control Panel for the Project, Under Services menu option, click on “New Service Endpoint” . A New dialog will appear, you need to provide the connection name and API Token.

Creating HockeyApp Connection

You can get the API Token from the Setting Menu of HockeyApp Portal.

Access Tocken From HockeyApp Portal

P.S – If you don’t have HockeyApp Installed in VSTS, if you require to install it from Visual Studio market Place.

Install HockeyApp

Once the Connection creation is done, it will automatically appear in the HockeyApp Connection dropdown. Just Select it !


That’s it ! If you have all the path configured and set correctly, as soon as your build successes, it will be push to HockeyApp automatically.

HockeyApp Build VNext

All in all, This is not only streamline your app deployment, also reduce all the overheads for side loading your app and distribution it internally.

Hope this helps !!

Abhijit Jana

Abhijit runs the Daily .NET Tips. He started this site with a vision to have a single knowledge base of .NET tips and tricks and share post that can quickly help any developers . He is a Former Microsoft ASP.NET MVP, CodeProject MVP, Mentor, Speaker, Author, Technology Evangelist and presently working as a .NET Consultant. He blogs at , you can follow him @AbhijitJana . He is the author of book Kinect for Windows SDK Programming Guide.

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